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own Your Voice. Gather Your Community. Step into Your Influence.


In this particular cultural moment, where the momentum of #MeToo meets raised voices over injustice in wage equality and minority representation, popular speaker and podcaster Jo Saxton wants to move women beyond disempowerment. Instead, she draws women together to grow their grit and to establish new partnerships that will have a powerful chain effect.

Ready to Rise tackles the real life issues women face — workplace harassment, sexism, low self esteem, financial woes, power battles, and old wounds — while providing meaningful wisdom from Jo’s own journey to leadership. Added to this personal reflection are stories of empowered women from the Bible. Jo then calls on readers to invest in the next generation of women and build new communities where diverse female leadership can flourish.

Ready to Rise pulls together Jo’s best practices in both listening to the hearts of women and empowering them to change the landscape.



praise for ready to rise


"Jo is one of my most trusted voices in Christian leadership... She leads auditoriums full of people, and she leads me one-on-one." —Jen Hatmaker, New York Times best-selling author of Of Mess and Moxie

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about the author


Jo Saxton is an author, speaker, podcast host, and leadership coach. She has dedicated her career to growing leadership teams around the world and empowering women to find their purpose in their personal lives and in leadership.

Born in London to parents who immigrated from Nigeria, Jo credits her family’s unrelenting work ethic to the bold, tenacious approach she takes to sharing her wisdom on identity, influence, and living an authentic life. She is characterized by her effervescent honesty and warm approachability, leaving audiences with practical next steps in areas that are usually a bit ambiguous.

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